

Trade of the day for me because I didn’t touch the thing. As noted in the room (IU) I never saw a reason to really short this outside of a starter. There definitely was never a time where size would’ve made sense to me.


Pretty happy with this one overall. I had minimal size in the premarket compared to what I borrowed. I’m pretty happy that instead of being overly patient I covered before the open and then had a plan in the room to short pops back towards 1.13. We got just that off the open and I scaled in given the action on the tape.

My only issue here is that I’m still just not quite used to playing a name where you FIGHT for a penny, which takes what feels like a year and half to happen.

Overall happy with the trade. Especially since I was able to size up off the open.


Pretty nice trade here. I had a level in PM that was I was working and when it breached I took of 1/5 of my starter position to avoid getting worked out. That gave me enough peace to be able to jump back in after the exhaustion move. I never got to 50% of the size that I borrowed, however I’m happy with the way I played the price action and my covers (where things seemed to stall out). I was hoping we got a push back to 7 off the open, but I think $SPI stole the show. Great trade overall.


Nice reactive trade here. I actually noted the failed follow through from the 41.90s, but i wasn’t rushing to get in. Found my next target zone and then attacked from there. Happy with the play.