10/27/2020 – Retrospective

A green day and really looking to close out the month strong. Today My winning trade on $SUNW put me over a major milestone for my account that I’ve been working towards for a while and I gotta say it is nice to see myself pushing forwards. A lot of struggle and pain behind me, and I’m sure there will be some more in front of me, but for now I’m extremely happy that I’ve made it over one hump and been able to make it to such a milestone,

Overall today was a nice laid back day today with just a single trade. Though I only took one trade there were a TOn of great setups that I just flat out missed that I had on my watchlist from the night before. The big miss was the fade on $LRN…that would have been NICE to catch that 3pt move. Nonetheless I’m overal happy with my play selection today and I’m continuing to hone my skills to make sure that I’m trading the right thing.


Nice play here. Our dear friend $SPI went moving off some news and just like before $SUNW went along with it in the solar sector. This move was a delayed reaction to the $SPI move and had no catalyst to support it, so I did some dd and waited for price to settle out before I started in. thought I was relatively safe on the first adds a part of me wishes that I actually took it all off at 3.12 for a small paper cut and came in strong from the 3.24 level for more added cushion. Yes this worked out, but as you can see on the chart I was playing my level pretty tight, so I think the next natural progression is to just automatically size down when levels aren’t respected and look for a more lucrative level to be position. Yes I would’ve taken a small hit by sizing down, but in the grand scheme of things your average with size is going to be better and on the way back you will more than make up for it if you keep things tight.

While I’m happy with the overall results there are still some holes that I need to fill to fit my personality a bit better in regards to the trade playing out.